วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Discover 3 Top Tips for Dealing with Child Behavior Problems in Schools

When a lot of people think about child behavior problems, they often think of teenagers. On the news it’s usually teenagers at high school who end up with the publicity. The high school teachers who have to cope with the behavior.

But dealing with young children is hard too. Young children can be exhausting at the best of times, but when they don’t behave they are a nightmare.

Read on to discover my 3 top tips for dealing with classroom management issues with young children.

Tip 1 – Demand respect

Each and every time you’re in a classroom with your class you need to be respected. Presence in the classroom is vital if you’re going to have complete order and calm. This doesn’t mean you have to be mean, or very tall, anyone can do it.

Use your body language and move around the room confidently. Make sure that your pupils know when you’re in the room, and what you expect them to be doing.

Tip 2 – Clear Instructions

With young children, they often have short attention spans. They aren’t very good at listening. So try to make your instructions as clear as possible. Don’t ask a very young child to do more than a couple of things at a time.

For instance, you may need them to tidy up, bring their books to you, and gather round to listen. Get them to tidy up first. Then tell them to bring you their books. They get them to sit down.

By giving clear and simple instructions they can’t forget what they’re supposed to be doing and your life becomes instantly easier.

Tip 3 – Praise

We all love to be praised when we do well. Think how you feel when your headteacher praises you on a brilliant lesson they’ve observed. It’s fantastic!

Young children love praise more than anybody. So don’t be afraid to give it to them. In spades. There’s always something to praise your class for, whether it’s individuals or whole classes who deserve it. There is no better motivator than good, honest praise. Try it, and you'll see child behavior problems improve in your classroom before your very eyes!

Teaching is hard! Make it easier by learning about some classroom management that works ! today.

Visit http://www.ClassroomManagement101.com now and claim back your classroom and start enjoying being a teacher again.

