The 6.6 earthquake 15th Hawaii October, just a little after seven clock on the morning of the Kona side of Big Iceland Hawaii, Hilo, we live on this page. I got up to my morning coffee, and since he tremble a Southern California native, as the house began to I knew exactly what it was. Our house seemed to breath with the movement moved as an important institution and stressed. We heard rustling in the whole house like the hanging lamps swayed. The Big Iceland is an active volcano, sowe are seeing small earthquakes quakes often, but a 6.6 is a fairly violent jerk.
Our small animals, Gracie, Charlotte (the cats) and Maxwell (the dog) kind of freaked. While the earth shook Charlotte I saw at the window and looked desperately into the house, as if to say:
"HEY! Do you see what happened here? LET ME IN, I promise not to eat Iki!" (The Bird).
I was only there under the protection of the door without knowing how badcould be the earthquake. After the second aftershock we went outside to get to Gracie, Maxwell, and occur especially in connection to Charlotte. They were all very needy and wanted to caress and attention. Hours later, the whole ordeal seemed to have forgotten.
News reports about a lot of people, the fear we had interviewed had been taken by North Korea. Tourists ran from the beaches of higher ground, about a tsunami, probably a very good idea worried. No tsunami was expected, it wasannounced later.
TV stations were down to a few. News began to speak only of minor degree of damage to houses and roads with fallen trees to come in the time that the assessment would increase.
The Power of Big Iceland has left about 45,000 people, 58,000 on Maui, and 291,000 lost on Oahu. Lines formed down the block at ABC stores on Oahu, four people were allowed in to buy water, snack items and batteries. Moreover, were raised when subways to get toEating before she ran. Other restaurants tried their products quickly, because selling the loss of the cold.
Newscaster asked that people not drive their cars or with their cell phones. Outgoing flights were canceled, but people still flocked to the airport like, perhaps for a quick retreat.
The nearest town is for us Pahoa, less than two miles. We had no idea how the main street shops, gone to be built in the twenties. I drove through it yesterdayand when it looked as picturesque as ever. I did not speak to the owners shop to see if there is damage, which I had not noticed. The Post was packed as usual so I guess life goes on in the past Pahoa Hawaii earthquake.
The local news will now display pictures of streets with large cracks and even a historic stone church now fall into a heap. A hospital had to move patients to another facility due to earthquake damage. One question that remains unanswered is whatthe impact of this on our active volcano, where have none.
Yesterday evening, 16 October we had a "great" thunder and rain storm. News Alerts flood alerts sent. You can imagine, Iki (the bird), Maxwell () of the dog, Gracie, and especially the cats Charlotte () had a very restless night, and perhaps ask whether the Hawaii earthquake was the sky will fall. Not have to worry if I fed them a delicious breakfast and everyone seems well (including the IkiBird).